Friday 19 December 2014

My final message...

I have had a wonderful year teaching all the different personalities in Room 23.  Thank you, parents, for trusting me with your precious children this year.  It has been a pleasure to teach them and watch them all grow academically and personally.  I will miss them all and but I know they will continue to be amazing in their new classes with their new Teachers.  I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a fantastic holiday.
All my best
Miss Calvert

Party Time

What if Paper, Scissors and Rock were human???

In class, we watched a short video clip that depicted Paper, Scissors and Rock as characters with human attributes.  Students then drew Wanted posters for Scissors - who it turns out is the bad guy! Here are just a few of the great posters.

Fitness - Egg and Spoon Race

Monday 15 December 2014

Class Party

Our class party will be happening at 12pm on Wednesday this week. Students took home a note requesting them to bring a savoury, sweet or drink - please stick to this so we have an even spread. 

We don't have facilities for heating food in Room 23 so if you are bringing anything hot it will need to be dropped to the class at 12pm. If students do not being a plate to share they will need to bring their own lunch. I will be providing plates and cups.

We have no food allergy concerns is Room 23 but please avoid bringing anything with nuts in it.

Thank you 
Miss Calvert