Saturday 28 June 2014

Birthday Surprises

We had a lovely surprise at the end of the week. It was a great way to end a Friday. Jasmine is celebrating her birthday today, Saturday, and her parents brought in some lovely cakes made by a friend, and they were pretty yummy too!!

Monday 23 June 2014


Last week we had two class members who participated in Wattle Groove! They did a fabulous job with their piano solos. Well done Venzhel
and Asher

Thursday 19 June 2014

NAIDOC Incursion

Hello Parents/Guardians. Last week a note went home regarding a NAIDOC Celebration Incursion happening this Monday 24 June. The cost is $6.00 per student and this, along with the permission slip, needs to be returned to school by TOMORROW. Please ensure that your child brings these two things in so they don't miss out on the fun activities. Thank you, Miss Calvert

Thursday 12 June 2014

Cystic Fibrosis Dress Red Fundraiser Day

Today students were allowed to wear a red shirt and bring a gold coin donation to support Cystic Fibrosis. The whole school raised $720!! Well done!! We have two students in Room 23 who have personal experience of CF. Abbey's little sister has it and Asher's uncle has had a lung transplant because of the disease. Abbey has written a little piece below about what her sister goes through.
Asher gave a presentation about how CF affects the lungs and about his uncle's lung transplant. He also showed what healthy lungs should look like.
We watched a Youtube video called "Getting Nosey about CF" which explained CF in an understandable way.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Constable Care Visit

Yesterday, we had a Constable Care incursion. We got to watch a puppet show on multiculturalism. Students learned that different countries like to have parties in different ways, with different music, games and food. Asher, Tawanda and Cathy were lucky enough to be chosen to answer a question and won a book prize!!

Saturday 7 June 2014

Hall Creek - WA Week

Our tour of WA Towns was great. We got to see 4 other classrooms and they all had some great displays. We also got some compliments on our displays and work the students did. We had a powerpoint about Halls Creek playing in the "Movie Cinema". Students compared Halls Creek with Wattle Grove and completed a venn diagram to show what was the same and what was different - this was displayed in our "Town Planner's Office". As Halls Creek has a large Aboriginal population we learned about the Aborginal flag. This display became our "Cultural Centre".
Students made some dot paintings. Then they did a walk through our "Art Gallery" and voted for the best ones. Above shows the gallery walk and the winners!
Students used their new knowledge about Halls Creek to write imaginative recounts of visiting there. They came up with some fabulous writing talking about the Bungle Bungles, the Argyle Diamond Mine, the Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater, the district high school where students learn horse management skills and the old Halls Creek Townsite. Above is a picture of our "Library" that was on display during the tours.

Friday 6 June 2014

Photo Money

I have yet to receive any school photo money - although some may have gone straight to the office. Forms were sent home last week. If you are wanting to purchase school photos please send in the money by 13 June. Thank you

P&C Quiz Night

Above is information about the P&C Quiz Night. Each class has been asked to donate prizes to help make it a great night. If you are able to donate a prize, gift voucher or know someone with a business that would be happy to donate, please bring into class. Thank you.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Halls Creek - WA Week

It's WA Week and our class chose Halls Creek as the town to learn about. Students have shown a lot of interest in learning about Halls Creek. We will be touring around some classrooms tomorrow to see what other towns are represented. Here is a program of what you will find in Room 23. Pop in to take a look if you can.

Amazing Art

I just happened to pop into the Art Room looking for some coloured card while Room 23 were busy in there. I was so impressed with the art Miss Randall had them doing that I had to race back to the classroom to grab my camera and take a few shots.

Our Latest Award Winners... Congratulations!!!

Monday 2 June 2014

Wattle Grove Finance Report - Assembly

I am so proud of Room 23!! What a sensational job they did at assembly. No cold feet at all. They were confident and remembered their cues. We have been learning about Financial Literacy in class so students performed skits about NEEDS, WANTS, SAVINGS and BUDGETS, and the Money, Money, Money dancers between skits did a great job too!! Well done!!