Saturday 7 June 2014

Hall Creek - WA Week

Our tour of WA Towns was great. We got to see 4 other classrooms and they all had some great displays. We also got some compliments on our displays and work the students did. We had a powerpoint about Halls Creek playing in the "Movie Cinema". Students compared Halls Creek with Wattle Grove and completed a venn diagram to show what was the same and what was different - this was displayed in our "Town Planner's Office". As Halls Creek has a large Aboriginal population we learned about the Aborginal flag. This display became our "Cultural Centre".
Students made some dot paintings. Then they did a walk through our "Art Gallery" and voted for the best ones. Above shows the gallery walk and the winners!
Students used their new knowledge about Halls Creek to write imaginative recounts of visiting there. They came up with some fabulous writing talking about the Bungle Bungles, the Argyle Diamond Mine, the Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater, the district high school where students learn horse management skills and the old Halls Creek Townsite. Above is a picture of our "Library" that was on display during the tours.

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