Thursday 31 July 2014

Report writing

It's a quiet day in Room 23 today - only 12 students came to school!! For those 11 students at home here is something to think about: we are starting to learn about report writing. You need to think of a famous Australian to write a report about. We will be doing some research during our computer time but for now you need to choose a famous Australian and be able to tell me why you have chosen them.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Correction and Omission

In the last Assembly award post I forgot to mention that Gabby also was in the top 5 for the Year 3 Principal's Challenge. Gabby is still on holidays so it slipped past me - congratulations Gabby!! Also, I said that Asher won a bronze certificate for Lexile (which was what was announced at the assembly) - it was in fact a Blue Certificate. This is due to the Lexile system resetting at the end of the year so students start from the beginning of certificates again. To earn a Lexile certificate students must read their Lexile graded books then log into Lexile to complete quizzes and diary entries related to those books. This earns them point which earns them certificates.

Newsletter Maths Challenge

The latest newsletter maths challenge has not been won. Last time both junior prizes went to students in Room 23. Here is the latest problem...get to it Room 23 students!! A Man’s age this year is a multiple of 7. Next year it will be a multiple of 5. If he is less than 60 years old what is his age now?

Huge Thank You

A huge thank you to Solomons Flooring in Cannington. I contacted them recently to ask if they could donate some carpet mats for Room 23 students to sit on during assembly. They generously donated 50 mats!!! This allowed us to supply Room 21, Miss Heppener's year 2s, with a class set also.

Semester 2 Student Councillors

Room 23 recently voted on new student councillors and the winners are... Abbey and Venzhel!! Congratulations - I know you both will do a great job.

Monday 28 July 2014

Scholastic Book Club

The latest Scholastic Book Club flyers were handed out to students last week. If you didn't receive a copy there are spares in the classroom. Many of these books are Lexile graded and all purchases help raise money for the school. Orders are due back to the office on Monday 4 August.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Welcome to Term 3

I hope you all enjoyed a fantastic, relaxing holiday! I certainly did - I had a great time visiting my friend in Brisbane and enjoying my birthday over there. Room 23 students have all come back ready to learn. I have handed out a new homework book along with a homework schedule.
I have also reworked the timetable just a little bit. Remember, our class library book swap time is on odd weeks, however students are able to go in at recess and lunchtimes on other days to swap is they need to.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

The 13 Storey Treehouse

In class we finished reading The 13 Storey Treehouse just in time for holidays. I just found out it has been made into a play and will be at the State Theatre Centre of WA from 15 July to 20 July. Would be a great event to go to in the holidays. If anyone gets there I would love to hear about it. Hope you are all enjoying your holidays. I am loving Queensland and spending time with my best friend.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Welcome to our new student Sebastian

During the last week of school Sebastian joined our class. He has recently moved here from NSW and has made a great transition into our wonderful class. That takes our class to 23 students. Here he is seen mixing our pikelet batter.

Mysterious Container

This mysterious container has been floating around the classroom for about a week and no one is claiming it. There were also 4 water bottles that apparently don't belong to anyone and a school hat with no name and no tag. If you, or your child, own these items they are now in the lost property bins located on the oval side of the library.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Reminder to Parents

Students will be bringing home their semester 1 reports today! These will be coming to you in a sealed envelope. Tomorrow test books will be coming home. Please go through these with your child and complete the two stars and a wish sheet at the back. These need to be returned at the end of the first week back in term 3. Thank you!

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Quiz Night

The P&C Quiz Night scheduled for this Friday, 4 July, has been postponed til 12 September.

Procedure Writing and Eating Pikelets!! YUM!!!

For the last couple of weeks we have been learning about procedures. A procedure is a text type that has a goal, a list of items and instructions. One form of procedure we have discussed is a recipe - this has a list of ingredients and a method. Students had to use their best handwriting to write out a recipe for pikelets and draw a picture to match it.
Students then worked in groups to make batches of batter.
Then with the help of the wonderful Mrs Watts they cooked the pikelets in the electric frypan.
Of course, after all the fun of making the pikelets there is the clean up.
Finally students got to enjoy eating their fabulous creations. However, I was also busy eating so forgot to take photos!