Wednesday 30 July 2014

Correction and Omission

In the last Assembly award post I forgot to mention that Gabby also was in the top 5 for the Year 3 Principal's Challenge. Gabby is still on holidays so it slipped past me - congratulations Gabby!! Also, I said that Asher won a bronze certificate for Lexile (which was what was announced at the assembly) - it was in fact a Blue Certificate. This is due to the Lexile system resetting at the end of the year so students start from the beginning of certificates again. To earn a Lexile certificate students must read their Lexile graded books then log into Lexile to complete quizzes and diary entries related to those books. This earns them point which earns them certificates.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms Calvert,

    I'm afraid Sebastian doesn't have a password for his Lexile s login. Pls advise. Thank you.JP
