Wednesday 13 August 2014

Calendar Dates

It's a busy term - Here are some dates to write on your calendars:

15th August- 9.45 am Junior Choir to visit Donovan Village
                      11.45am Interschool Cross Country
                       2.00pm IRun for Ipads

22nd August- Science Fair Day
25th August- Book Week Event - Dress up as a character from The 13-Storey Treehouse
27th August- Faction Carnival Jumps and Throws
29th August- Faction Carnival

1st September- Wattle Day

5th September- Senior Assembly

12th September- P&C Quiz Night

16th September- Parent Information Afternoon- Speaking and Listening (More details to follow)

19th September- Interschool Faction Carnival

23rd September- Learning Journeys (Open classroom afternoon/ evening)

26th September- Last day of Term Three

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