Wednesday 26 November 2014

A Couple of IMPORTANT Notes...

Canteen Orders and Swimming
Please do not order lunches during swimming - Weeks 7 & 8.  As we have to be lining up for the bus at 12.20 it does not leave enough time to get lunch orders and eat them.  Please save orders until Week 9.  Thank you.
Presentation Night
If you are not attending Presentation Night please let me know as soon as possible as this will affect the students EduDance routine.  I hope that every family will be there to see what wonderful work the students have done with their dancing.

Overdue Library Books
There are a couple of students with overdue library books - VERY overdue!!  All library books MUST be returned in Week 8 (next week). Please assist your child in locating these books and returning them to school.

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