Tuesday 11 November 2014

A few things needing to be returned to school...

Scitech Excursion
Notes for our Scitech excursion went home yesterday.  Please return these permission slips and money as soon as possible.

Swimming Notes
Swimming notes went home last week.  Again these need to be returned as soon as possible.  Please also sign and return the NAIDOC refund form - all students had paid for this incursion that was cancelled.  If you complete this the money can be taken off your swimming fees ($6).

Test Books
I am still waiting for three test books to be returned.  Please return these this week.

Over due Library books
I have a long list of students who have overdue library books.  If students have not finished reading books they can renew them. 

Just a reminder that homework continues in Term 4.  Students need to practice their spelling words every day (and spelling test results tell me this isn't happening), read every night and complete their reading logs, complete New Wave Mental Maths for the day and complete Word Problem Wednesday.  Sadly, I am not seeing homework from all students.

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