Thursday 25 September 2014

Sustainability - Lorax

We have been been studying Sustainability this term and looking at all the ways we can look after the Earth.  Today I read The Lorax by Dr Seuss and students had to write how they would help save the Earth if they were a Lorax.  Here are two examples of their work.

If I was a Lorax this is how I would help save the Earth.  I would use two sides of a page instead of one.  I would plant millions of truffalo seeds.  I will recycle everything I don't need.  I will give clothes that I don't need to other people.

He got a pay rise so he said they should get a factory.  The factory saved power by putting in solar panels.  They also started collecting truffalo seeds that they could replant.  Then they said lets sell the truffalo seeds so they sold them.

School Haikus

I like school a lot
At school I learn things like maths
at school it is fun

I like my kind school
My class is room twenty-three
Everyone is cool

Wednesday 24 September 2014

A Few Notes

Learning Journey
Thank you to all the parents who came to Learning Journey to see all the great work the students have been doing.  There was a fantastic turn out - I'm so sorry that I was not here to greet you all.  The children were very proud of their work and at the opportunity to show it off.

Test Books
Test Book will be going home tomorrow (was going to be today but I forgot!).  Please let your child show you their work and explain it to you.  Then please complete the Stars and Wishes sheet at the end.  If possible please return it this week or at the very latest, the first week in first term.

Footy Friday
This Friday students can dress up in their favourite footy team colours for a gold coin donation.  The class with the most participants gets 15 minutes extra lunch and a football for the classroom!!

Punctuation Kung Fu
To try to improve students use of punctuation, I introduced them to Punctuation Kung Fu today.  It was a lot of fun.  Ask them to show you what they have learned.

Have a great day
Miss Julia Calvert 

Sunday 21 September 2014

Happy Birthday Sebastian

Another creative cake brought in for another birthday.  This minecraft cake was for Sebastian's birthday.

Room 23 Interschool Competitors

Well done to all the interschool competitors.  Wattle Grove came 5th overall.  Well done!!


Melting Moments... Science Failure

This term we have been learning about Melting Moments in Science.  As part of this we conducted an experiment to see whether a whole Freddo Frog would melt quicker, slower or at the same pace as a Freddo broken into pieces.  Unfortunately, as it was such a warm day, they both turned to mush within minutes.  Of course what should have happened is that the small pieces should have melted quicker as their is more surface area for the heat to make contact with.


Friday 19 September 2014

A Few Notes....

Lexile Pro
I know that some students are eager to get back onto Lexile.  There have been some problems with the change over from Lexile to Lexile Pro but this seems to be resolved now.  I will be giving students their new log on information today.  Please use the link below to access Lexile from now.  I will be retesting students as soon as I can to get updated levels.  Please remember that tests are to be done only at school - reviews, quizzes etc can be done at home anytime. 

A few students have been bringing in large amounts of money recently to use a the canteen.  This is a concern for the canteen staff and for myself.  Please ensure that you provide your child with the accurate amount of money, or as close to this as possible.  Alternatively you are able to order and pay for both recess and lunch items online. Contact the school office for more information on this.

A note about EduDance was sent home yesterday.  Please return the permission slip and money to the classroom next week.  This is part of the students PE program and preparation for the end of year presentation night so it would be great to see all students participating.

Learning Journey
Learning Journey will be held next Tuesday, 23 September, at 2pm.  Please come along and allow your child to show you the great work they have been doing in the class.  It will run from 2pm - 3.30pm. 

Absentee Notes
Please remember to contact the school office or write a note if your child is absent from school for any reason.  I am still chasing a few notes.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Carnival Celebrations!!

Today was our Faction Carnival.  All students performed brilliantly and had a great, if somewhat tiring, day out on the oval.

And once again Room 23 shone.... Junior Champion Girl: Abbey, Runner Up Junior Champion Girl: Kaylee, Junior Champion Boy: Jack.

The winner of the iRun for iPads Lapathon was also announced during the carnival.  Congratulations to Matthew!


Tuesday 9 September 2014

Speaking and Listening Forum

Are you coming?? Year 1-3 Teachers are working hard on preparing information and resources for the Speaking and Listening Forum to be held next Tuesday.

This is an opportunity to learn some ways to enhance and extend your child's learning in this area.  Afternoon tea will be provided, crèche for children over 3 years and you will go home with a goody bag. 

Please return the RSVP section of the note that went home. Students also did a fabulous job handwriting a letter to you.  So far I have only heard from two parents - would love to see some more Room 23 parents coming along.

Faction Carnival

 The Faction Carnival has now been scheduled for this Thursday.  Come prepared with your water bottle and wearing your faction shirt.

Sunday 7 September 2014


The Faction Carnival will be held on the first fine day of the coming week, although it is not looking likely for tomorrow with showers forecast.  Remember to come prepared everyday with your running shoes on and your faction shirts in your bag ready for a quick change if needed.  Hopefully we will get a little notice so keep checking here for an update..


Two birthdays were celebrated on Friday.  Happy birthday to Carlo and Asher (both for Saturday).  We all enjoyed some yummy treats brought in by the birthday boys, thank you!

Friday also saw a fantastic assembly by Year 3s in Rooms 11 and 14 about sustainability with a great Reduce, Reuse, Recycle song - very fitting for our current initiatives of recycling batteries (please send them in) and No Throw Thursdays. Merit Certificates went to Ida, Bailey and Sebastian - well done!!

Every school newsletter has a maths challenge competition in it.  Room 23 has done very well out of these and the latest junior winners again came from Room 23.  Well done Abbey and Matthew.

And finally... I love to set tasks for students that challenge them!  Here is some evidence .. enjoy!!

Thursday 4 September 2014


Today we started looking at Poety.  We began by looking at what makes a poem and some different types of poems.  We then made an acrostic poem for the word class:


The we looked at three different poems and students had to do a reflection on them...

The Markets
This poem is about somebody who is looking in the markets for Buddah but all the person could find was Ganesh.
My favourite part of the poem is when they explain about the surrooundings.  Also when they say idioms like 'make my mouth burn and my forehead shine'.
I like this part because it said stuff like the colours and the spices.  It also said about the noise.  I can get a picture of it in my head.
It reminds me of when I went to Bali.  All the people asking us to buy things and all the pretty noises.
The Day the Earth Chucked a Tantrum
This poem is about  an earthquake at Grandpa's house so everything was falling and there were cracks in the house.
My favourite part of the poem is when the windows were muttering.
I like this part because it was different because windows don't mutter, people mutter.
It reminds me of when my Mum and I were scared when a thunder storm came.
The School Bully
The poem is about a bully who thinks he is better than everyone and because she was a bully she didn't have any friends at all.
My favourite part of the poem is when she said "I am the tiger".  
I like this part because it made me laugh because she was scared in the inside but not on the outside.  She was more scared than the other children.
It reminds me of when I played tigers with my friends at lunch.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

StartSmart Financial Literacy Incursion

This week is MoneySmart week and we celebrated with a financial literacy incursion from StartSmart.  Every class attended the incursion over three days and the feedback has been very positive.  Room 23 learned the slogan "spend some on you and save some too!"

Coach Cash started us off with some warm ups... pick an orange... sell an orange ...happy dance because we made some money..

We then looked at the notes and coins in Australian currency.  We learned how a keycard works and used the "tinternet" to show this! (haha) We learned that the eftpos machine is a computer that talks to the computer at the bank to let the shop know if we have enough money to pay for out purchases.  We also talked about how we keep track of how much money we have in our account and what an ATM is.

Finally we looked at purchasing some sneakers from three different shops.  We had to compare the prices and benefits of three different shops and decide which one was the best one to purchase shoes from.  What we learned here was "be aware, compare, there's better prices out there!"

Lucas' Birthday

Happy Birthday Lucas.
Today Lucas brought in this fabulous cake made by his Mum to celebrate his birthday with his classmates!