Sunday 7 September 2014


The Faction Carnival will be held on the first fine day of the coming week, although it is not looking likely for tomorrow with showers forecast.  Remember to come prepared everyday with your running shoes on and your faction shirts in your bag ready for a quick change if needed.  Hopefully we will get a little notice so keep checking here for an update..


Two birthdays were celebrated on Friday.  Happy birthday to Carlo and Asher (both for Saturday).  We all enjoyed some yummy treats brought in by the birthday boys, thank you!

Friday also saw a fantastic assembly by Year 3s in Rooms 11 and 14 about sustainability with a great Reduce, Reuse, Recycle song - very fitting for our current initiatives of recycling batteries (please send them in) and No Throw Thursdays. Merit Certificates went to Ida, Bailey and Sebastian - well done!!

Every school newsletter has a maths challenge competition in it.  Room 23 has done very well out of these and the latest junior winners again came from Room 23.  Well done Abbey and Matthew.

And finally... I love to set tasks for students that challenge them!  Here is some evidence .. enjoy!!

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