Thursday 4 September 2014


Today we started looking at Poety.  We began by looking at what makes a poem and some different types of poems.  We then made an acrostic poem for the word class:


The we looked at three different poems and students had to do a reflection on them...

The Markets
This poem is about somebody who is looking in the markets for Buddah but all the person could find was Ganesh.
My favourite part of the poem is when they explain about the surrooundings.  Also when they say idioms like 'make my mouth burn and my forehead shine'.
I like this part because it said stuff like the colours and the spices.  It also said about the noise.  I can get a picture of it in my head.
It reminds me of when I went to Bali.  All the people asking us to buy things and all the pretty noises.
The Day the Earth Chucked a Tantrum
This poem is about  an earthquake at Grandpa's house so everything was falling and there were cracks in the house.
My favourite part of the poem is when the windows were muttering.
I like this part because it was different because windows don't mutter, people mutter.
It reminds me of when my Mum and I were scared when a thunder storm came.
The School Bully
The poem is about a bully who thinks he is better than everyone and because she was a bully she didn't have any friends at all.
My favourite part of the poem is when she said "I am the tiger".  
I like this part because it made me laugh because she was scared in the inside but not on the outside.  She was more scared than the other children.
It reminds me of when I played tigers with my friends at lunch.

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