Thursday 25 September 2014

Sustainability - Lorax

We have been been studying Sustainability this term and looking at all the ways we can look after the Earth.  Today I read The Lorax by Dr Seuss and students had to write how they would help save the Earth if they were a Lorax.  Here are two examples of their work.

If I was a Lorax this is how I would help save the Earth.  I would use two sides of a page instead of one.  I would plant millions of truffalo seeds.  I will recycle everything I don't need.  I will give clothes that I don't need to other people.

He got a pay rise so he said they should get a factory.  The factory saved power by putting in solar panels.  They also started collecting truffalo seeds that they could replant.  Then they said lets sell the truffalo seeds so they sold them.

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