Friday 19 September 2014

A Few Notes....

Lexile Pro
I know that some students are eager to get back onto Lexile.  There have been some problems with the change over from Lexile to Lexile Pro but this seems to be resolved now.  I will be giving students their new log on information today.  Please use the link below to access Lexile from now.  I will be retesting students as soon as I can to get updated levels.  Please remember that tests are to be done only at school - reviews, quizzes etc can be done at home anytime. 

A few students have been bringing in large amounts of money recently to use a the canteen.  This is a concern for the canteen staff and for myself.  Please ensure that you provide your child with the accurate amount of money, or as close to this as possible.  Alternatively you are able to order and pay for both recess and lunch items online. Contact the school office for more information on this.

A note about EduDance was sent home yesterday.  Please return the permission slip and money to the classroom next week.  This is part of the students PE program and preparation for the end of year presentation night so it would be great to see all students participating.

Learning Journey
Learning Journey will be held next Tuesday, 23 September, at 2pm.  Please come along and allow your child to show you the great work they have been doing in the class.  It will run from 2pm - 3.30pm. 

Absentee Notes
Please remember to contact the school office or write a note if your child is absent from school for any reason.  I am still chasing a few notes.

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